Sunday, August 18, 2013

So I started this blog a year ago...and never posted again.  Obviously I am going to attempt this again this year. 

Last year....way too many thing on my plate.  This year...I've emptied the plate and plan to refocus myself on my teaching and on myself.

A teacher, a crossfitter, a sister, a daughter, a friend, a leader etc.  let's see how I handle it this year!

Looking forward to teachers going back in a week, kids come in two weeks.  Room is getting set up and organized.  The time consuming things are getting done, putting names on things, hanging everything up on walls, deciding on changes to bulletin boards etc.  Will it all get done?  Will it be perfect? 

Added to the classroom getting ready, summer school just ended, and I competed in a crossfit competition....holy cow was it awesome!  can you tell where my new passion is?  Addicting and amazing!!

Let's hope I can keep blogging this year and share my story!

Sunday, September 30, 2012

a new blog!

I've been a blog stalker for a long time now and finally feel like joining the blogging world and will do my best to keep posts rolling without too long between them.  :)

First off, a little about me, I am a second grade teacher.  I am in my 10th year of teaching but it's only my 5th year of 2nd grade.  Every year is a new journey with new challenges and exciting moments in the classroom.  I hope to share ideas that work in my room and will maybe work for others too!

This year has been a stressful year to start with many things on my plate and my goal for this blog is to help me stay organized, challenged and to help find the joy in teaching because it's been hard to find this year in the first few weeks of school.

Hopefully this blog will be a place to share ideas, thoughts, frustrations, stress etc.